Association of medical colleges aamc 2011 state physician workforce data book. Annual new york physician workforce profile, 2007 edition. Future trends affecting the physicianscientist workforce. Wyomings physician workforce in 2016 university of washington. Since the 1970s, the nssrn has been the primary source of data on the nursing workforce. Impact of physician workforce supply on health care network. This study offered data on the size, distribution, demographics, specialties and education history of washington states physician workforce first conducted in 2014 and updated in 2016. Published biennially, the 2017 state physician workforce data report provides state specific data on the current physician supply, medical school enrollment, and graduate medical education gme a series of figures, tables, and maps provide detailed statistics on active physicians, students enrolled in md or do granting institutions, and residents and fellows. Jun 30, 2018 the physicianscientist workforce physicianscientists typically engage in both clinical care and basic or clinical research though not always at the same point in their career. The 2015 state physician workforce data book which is an update of the 20 state physician workforce data book, examines current physician supply, medical school enrollment, and graduate medical education gme in the united states. The 2019 state physician workforce data report examines current physician supply, undergraduate medical education ume students, and graduate medical education gme residents and fellows in the united states. The 2007 state physician workforce data book is an update and expansion of the 2006 key physician data by state report, examining the active physician supply in each state, as well as current medical school enrollment and physicians in graduate medical education gme.
Association of american medical colleges expands the 2006 key physician data by state report, examining the active physician supply in each state, as well as current medical school enrollment and physicians in graduate medical education gme programs. A total of 62,312 physicians responded to the 2012 and 20 surveys. Provide reliable data on the current capacity of oregons medical community to deliver health care to oregon healthcare consumers as well as forecast the future capacity of the states physicians. Those with origins among the 65% of americans left outside of the health design are two or more times likely to deliver most needed health access. Washington states physician workforce in 2014 key findings in 2014 there were 220 physicians per 100,000 population, including 79 generalist physicians per 100,000 population, providing direct patient care in washington state comparable to available national per capita rates. Physicians per 10,000 population, north carolina and united states, 1980 20. The first workforce data book was published in 1992 under the leadership of james a. State health workforce data collection inventory health. The result is the combination of two years of data for a total set of florida physician workforce data. The state health workforce data collection inventory describes findings from a survey about data collection on health workforce supply eg, demographic, education, and practice characteristics of health professionals, demand eg, vacancies and employer recruitment and retention difficulties, and the education pipeline eg, graduation rates and traineegraduate characteristics. It provides statespecific data about active physicians and physicians in training, in a series of figures, tables, and maps that provide detailed statistics on active physicians, md and do students, residents, and fellows.
Shaping physician workforce policy through datadriven analyses. The report presents data collected via the center for health workforce studies new york state physician licensure reregistration survey in 2004 and 2005. State health workforce research and planning michael e. Publications 2015 state physician workforce databook. The impact of reporting lags on physician workforce analyses. This research brief provides an overview of the capacity and characteristics of washington states current practicing physician workforce using data from the 2008. The number of responses will equal the number of respondents, except where the physician may choose multiple responses. Physician workforce in nevada university of nevada, reno. Washington states physician workforce center for health.
The 2011 state physician workforce data book is an update of the 2009 state physician workforce data book, exam ining current physician supply, medical school enrollment, and graduate medical. Physician characteristics and distribution in the us. Des moines, ia iowas active physician workforce increased 5. Impact of physician workforce supply on health care network adequacy however, state specific network adequacy initiatives do not take into account some important physician workforce factors such as provider density number of physicians in a given geographic area. Physician workforce research new site basic health access a taxonomy based on experiential place demonstrates the principles of health access on complete populations of physicians and nonphysicians. Physician workforce studies rural medical education. Mississippi has the lowest ratio of doctors to population, at 184. The 20 physician workforce study is the societys 12th annual comprehensive look at the physician workforce in massachusetts and is based on a survey of practicing physicians across the state. Physician demand comparison state, region, nation implications for arkansas to maintain the status quo, arkansas will require an additional 410 primary care physicians by 2030, a 23% increase. New data book reports increase in iowas physician workforce.
Over the last 35 years the number of physicians practicing in south carolina for every 100,000 persons in the. Update on the virginia physician workforce shortage hjr. Diversity in the physician workforce physicians weekly. Report to the 2015 legislature report on findings from the. To help meet this mission, hrsa has supported research on physician workforce issues and maintains the physician supply model psm and physician requirements model prm. The data report provides state specific data about active physicians and physicians in training.
Nov 04, 2017 published biennially, the 2017 state physician workforce data report provides state specific data on the current physician supply, medical school enrollment, and graduate medical education gme. Publications database archived data looking for data from previous years. The mean age of washingtons practicing physicians was 52 years. The stabilization of the physician workforce is a positive sign, however every year the demand for.
The physicianscientist workforce national institutes of health. The data presented in this report are drawn from two principal sources. This comprehensive state physician workforce data report, published every other year, offers state specific data about active physicians and physicians in training. Annual new york physician workforce profile, 2006 edition iii this report presents a profile of the supply and distribution of physicians licensed in new york. Annual new york physician workforce profile, 2007 edition iii this report presents a profile of the supply and distribution of physicians licensed in new york based on the latest data collected from the center for health workforce studies ongoing new york state physician licensure reregistration survey. A series of figures, tables, and maps provide detailed statistics on active physicians, students enrolled in md or do granting institutions, and. That combination of experience and training allows the physicianscientist to contribute a unique perspective that encompasses both the bedsidetobench and the. The report provides the most current data available for each state, the district of columbia d. Jun 30, 2018 future trends affecting the physician scientist workforce the affordable care act. The patient protection and affordable care act ppaca, or aca, signed into law by president barack obama in 2010, will have a significant impact on the delivery of health care services in the united states.
New york state health workforce planning data guide. May 2017 data brief changes in the physician workforce in south carolina. These data also permit tracking of trends over time. Regional physician workforce uw school of medicine. A physician then needs to obtain a license from the state in which they plan to practice.
Annual new york physician workforce profile, 2006 edition. Source document contributed to documentcloud by the connecticut mirror ct mirror. Physicians who choose to become highly specialized in a particular field must also complete a year fellowship involving additional training. Mar 04, 2016 for the investigation, the authors assessed gme diversity by race, ethnicity, and sex in using publicly reported 2012 data for the total gme pool. A series of figures, tables, and maps provide detailed statistics on active physicians, md and do students, residents, and fellows. Update on the virginia physician workforce shortage hjr 689, 20 to the governor and. Listed below are threepage profiles that include quick facts for each state from the 2019 state physician workforce data book.
Recent publications, annual workforce data book, and. Physicians in the south carolina workforce for every 100,000 persons. Analysis of the data confirms the potential benefits of a physician minimum data set mds and why state medical boards are in a unique. Unpublished data obtained from the nevada state board of medical examiners 2016. Among the topics examined are the supply of physicians. The 2017 state physician data book lists iowa with 6,627 active. This report provides statespecific statistics on active physicians, md and do students, residents, and fellows. Current pediatric physicians workforce data book view or download our entire workbook in a pdf format. The dearth of health care providers is most prominent in rural states with widely dispersed populations, such in many parts of the southeast, according to the 2015 state physician workforce databook, a previous aamc study. Washington states practicing physician workforce capacity. The 2009 state physician workforce data book can be viewed and downloaded on the internet at. The state physician workforce data report is published biennially.
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